ayurvedic products floating with colored backgroundcooking with ayurvedic spices will bless you
100% natural ingredients


Using only the best of ayurvedic & western herbs and spices

Ayurvedic Rasayanas understands that integrating Ayurvedic practices into your self-care routine can feel overwhelming. Our primary focus is to simplify Ayurveda. Since 1985, we have assisted thousands of individuals in reclaiming their personal power and attaining balance in their lives, providing unparalleled support to our esteemed customers. Furthermore, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional products that are specifically tailored to meet the requirements of ayurvedic practitioners and holistic healers.

Rasayanas made with fresh Ghee

Ghee Benefits

Herbal Solutions for a Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle

The Three Doshas

What is Ayurveda?

How is all began

Satified Customers

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what customers are saying

Sleep Deep

Well, being someone who struggles with an active mind, this zonks me out & my sleep quality has improved greatly since I started taking this medicine. Plus, it’s very berry delicious on the spoon & I sometimes struggle not to eat too much, but hey, it’s a win win in terms of even deeper sleep!! 🧡

S. Crowe
Veneta, OR
Male Repo

Fantastic product. Highly recommend it. As an Ayurvedic Practioner this item is first class.

John Micallef
NSW, Australia
Peace of Mind
Superb Formulas

I have complete trust in Ayurvedic Rasayanas as I know they contain the best ingredients and are formulated with a long history of Ayurvedic knowledge and experience. I offer many different Rasayanas to my clients to strengthen and nourish after Panchakarma detoxification. Ayurvedic Rasayanas is a very special company serving humanity in a beautiful way.

Ivy Amar
Sante Fe, New Mexico USA
Peace of Mind
Dreams and schemes and fairy rings

Yep definitely peace of mind ! Also physical relaxation. Subdues any impulse to be physically active , but not inhibitory to action. Meditation, cloud watching, and similar activities are promoted. Gently warming was pleasant for me

California USA
Anti Stress
hooray for anti stress

When i took my first dose of Anti Stress i would describe my emotional and physical state as a tornado...i felt stability and a strong sense of relief within a few days and now take it once daily. I am truly thrilled to find and use this product.

Carole Whitney
Sanr Fe, New Mexico USA
Vata Rejuvenation - Ashwagandha Rasayana

I had a terrible cough from a bad cold/bronchitis. Cough medicines made me feel worse, so I decided to take a teaspoon of your vata rejuv that I had put aside it immediately calmed my cough within 10 minutes ... I was pleasantly surprised ... will continue taking until I get better also: for me (and everyone is unique and different), the ashwagandha in this mix helps me sleep. Thank you, Lavanya blessings

Los Angeles, CA
Peace of Mind
This is my favorite rasayana

The taste is indescribable. Filled with exciting flavors. My children always loved this one. This rasayana has many similarities with Shankapushpi (Concentration) and I have enjoyed both for decades. Still living off of my mental faculties at age sixty-five (senior software engineer). No signs of mental deterioration yet. Can I say it's absolutely due to taking these rasayanas? Maybe not. I would suggest that a combination of good diet, exercise, sufficient sleep, positive attitude and avoidance of the Medical establishment when augmented with these rasayanas has produced the positive effect I enjoy.
The FDA is a lap dog to the Pharmaceutical industry, so FDA approval bears no scientific relevance. Personal experience weighs just as significant as $cience-funded studies. In the strictly intellectual context, American medical practices of cutting and injecting are factually considered health practices in the mode of ignorance, meaning they are beneficial to no one. Rasayanas on the other hand are factually considered health-care in the mode of goodness, meaning they hold benefit for all.

Lynn Walker
Denton, Texas USA