8 Tips for Fall Transitions


Today I noticed the color of the leaves changing, a shift of the wind, and a cool freshness in the air. We are suspended between summer and fall. Naturally, that means our vata increases as the qualities of fall are similar to the qualities of vata; cold, dry, light, subtle, mobile, clear, rough. These qualities are qualities of ether and air, the two elements that comprise vata dosha. With fall right around the corner, this is an excellent time to consider pacifying our vata and preparing for seasonal transitions. 

Here are 8 tips to keep vata happy and healthy for the change in season:


  1. Meal plan. Incorporate nourishing, extra cooked foods into your meals. Cooked yams, sautéed zucchinis, and steamed veggies are an excellent choice to keep your body happy with a healthy dose of minerals and nutrients. Cooked foods make it easier on your digestive system to absorb and assimilate. Stay away from raw foods, particularly between summer and fall seasons. 


  1. Ghee! Consider adding ghee to your meals. Ghee is an excellent way to nourish the nervous system and keep the synovial fluid in your joints lubricated. Not only does ghee nourish our physical bodies, but it also nourishes the gray and white matter of our brains. While allowing for better absorption of the minerals and nutrients in the meal.


  1. Pranayama. Nadi Shodana, alternate nostril breathing, is one of the best breathing exercises to ground vata in the mind and body. Here is a demonstration from Beverly, Ayurvedic Practitioner, on how to do Nadi Shodana.




  1. Abhyanga. Abhyanga, or oil self-massage, is a full body massage that can be done all year long, however, fall is an ideal time to incorporate this nourishing practice into your daily routine. Using doshic appropriate oils, abhyanga nourishes the skin, rejuvenates our deeper tissues, and promotes a sense of self-love. Ayurvedic Rasayanas’ Narayana oil and Brahmi oil  are both made with sesame oil and are vata balancing. 


  1. Tea. Ayurvedic Rasayanas’ Air Balancing Tea #28a is a great choice as a warm beverage for the change in season. Even if you are not vata predominate, you can enjoy this blend that has immune building herbs such as ashwagandha, oregano, and clove.


  1. Journal. During shifts in season, it is always great to reflect on the past season and process that time. Sometimes, the feeling of nostalgia can happen- enjoy those memories and soak in the fun you had! Vata is creative in nature, and journaling is a great way to express the organic mercurial energy of vata. Getting thoughts and feelings down on paper helps facilitate movement, a natural urge of vata. 


  1. Cleanse. Consider a short, simple cleanse to recalibrate the body and remove toxins. With a simple mono diet such as kitchari, our bodies can go through a gentle detox to prepare for our desire to rejuvenate in the coming winter months. The transition between seasons is a great way to properly cleanse. Reflecting inward, detoxifying the ama (toxins) from our bodies, and scraping away all those unhealthy foods from summer kickstarts your body to prepare for “hibernation”. For specific guidance on your personal doshic cleanse needs, an Ayurvedic Practitioners’ support is encouraged. 


  1. Immunity. Bolstering your immunity during the transition between seasons is key to maintaining proper health when our bodies are in shock from the change in temperature. Drink a cup of ginger tea in the morning to keep your digestive fire strong. The state of our immunity reflects the state of our digestion. 



Enjoy the rest of summer and beautiful change in season!



Beverly Foster is a certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and 500 hour Ayurvedic Yoga Instructor. She received her certification from The Ayurvedic Institute in 2016 under the clinical guidance of Dr. Vasant Lad and worked directly with him as one of his herbalists. She is also a board-certified National Ayurvedic Medical Association Professional Member. She currently lives in Southern Oregon where she offers consultations, including Zoom and phone appointments. For more information, questions, or to schedule a consultation, you can contact her via shineayurveda@gmail.com or visit her website at www.shineayurveda.com. 

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