

Support Kidney and Urinary Tract Health with Ayurvedic Herbal Products

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine, just below the ribcage, and they play a crucial role in filtering and maintaining the body’s internal balance. Their primary function is to filter blood to remove waste products, toxins, and excess fluids, which are then excreted as urine. In addition to cleansing the blood, the kidneys regulate the balance of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, and help maintain stable blood pressure by controlling fluid volume. They also produce hormones like erythropoietin, which stimulates red blood cell production, and renin, which helps regulate blood pressure. 

Key Ayurvedic Concepts About the Kidneys:

In Ayurveda, the kidneys are vital organs closely associated with the "Kapha" and "Vata" doshas, and they play a key role in maintaining the body's balance of fluids and removing waste products through urine. The kidneys are responsible for regulating water metabolism, filtering blood, and supporting overall vitality by maintaining the proper balance of electrolytes and minerals in the body.

Medovaha Srotas:

The kidneys are considered to be governed by the "Medovaha Srotas" (channels of fat tissue) and are linked to energy storage and stamina. When the kidneys are functioning well, they help maintain physical strength, endurance, and proper fluid balance. 

Ayurveda emphasizes supporting kidney health through a balanced lifestyle, proper hydration, and consuming a diet that is nourishing yet light on the kidneys.

Foods and herbs with diuretic and detoxifying properties

Avoiding excessive salt, processed foods, and astringent tastes is also suggested to prevent kidney stress.

Detoxifying practices, yoga, and stress management are recommended to maintain overall kidney health and vitality.

5 products

5 products