Mental Dosha Characteristics
Depending on your lifestyle and environment, these mental qualities may not always correspond 100% to your physical constitution. These qualities can change quickly depending on the type of environment, nutrition and routines that are available. Through a dosha balancing diet, we can begin to elevate some of these moods.
Vata dosha
Sattvic (harmonious)
Energetic * Adaptable * Quick in understanding * Good communication * Positive in mind * True enthusiasm * Able to initiate ideas * Introspective *Intuitive * Clairvoyant * Humble * Materially detached * Very talented* Esoteric * Creative * Long lived * Simplicity * Healer
Ragistic (Disturbed)
Fearful * Worried *Nervous * Stressed *Restless * Hyperactive * Indecisive * Full of problems * Unreliable * Overly talkative * Noisy * Disruptive * Impatient with one’s self * Unrealistic * Emotionally unstable * Hypersensitive *Anxious * Bad habits * Grinding of teeth *Biting nails * Unhappiness Blind religious following Changing faith *Artificial renunciation * False enthusiasm * Superficial understanding * Easily discouraged * Easily influenced *False expectations
Tamistic (Darkened)
Slave to others * Dishonest *Depressed *Secretive *Selfdestructive * Drug addict * Prone to sexual perversions * Mentally disturbed * Suicidal *Neurotic *Effusive outburst of emotions * Claustrophobic * Schizophrenic *Excessive singing, laughing and weeping *Incoherent talk * Erratic gestures *Thief *Proud *No honor *No friends *Lives off others Neglects one’s self * Very unclean * Ghostly haunted *Poverty stricken *Always walks very fast * Short lived
Pitta Dosha
Sattvic (harmonious)
High intelligence * Clear-headed *Sharp observance *Enlightened * Discriminating *Good will *Independent * Warm-hearted *Friendly *Cheerful * Bold * Charismatic * Courageous *Good guide and leader *Fearless *Regulated *Self confident *Enduring *Organized * Practical *Clever *Inventive *Scientific * Excellent concentration and memory * Quick at making decisions *Good speaker * Determined *Strong will power
Ragistic (Disturbed)
Imposes will on others * Overly ambitious for one’s self * Aggressive * Controlling * Overly critical * Dominating * Manipulating *Anger *Reckless * Vain * Envious *Jealous * Irritable *8 Argumentative * Defensive * Egotistic * Egocentric *Provocative *False pride * Impatient with others * Intolerant * Glutton habits * Unwillingness to surrender to higher intelligence (God) * Dreams of passion and violence * Attachment to success * Perverse * Not caring for others * Never satisfied * Likes praise * Fault finding * Advertising prowess * Fanatic
Tamistic (Darkened)
Hateful * Wrathful * Obnoxious *Vengeful * Destructive *Psychopathic *Criminal *Drug dealer * Underworld figure *Hostile * Violent-tempered *Cruel * Delusions of grandeur
and power * Atheistic * Seeking name and fame * Cheating * Misleads others *Never content * Crooked politician * Short lived *Compassionless * Evil * Hypocrite * Cold bloodedKapha Dosha
Sattvic (harmonious)
Religious * Peaceful * Contented * Stable * Consistent * Loyal * Loving * Compassionate * Forgiving * Patient * Devoted * Receptive * Nurturing *Supportive * Caring * Truthful * Merciful * Understanding *Generous *Grateful *Well-organized * Practical * Dependable * Self-confident * Precautious *Many friends *Tolerant * Self-satisfied
Ragistic (Disturbed)
Controlling *Attached * Greedy * Materialistic * Sentimental
*Needing security * Overly attached to comfort, luxury and wealth
* Stubborn * Possessive * Conservative * Try hard to please othersTamistic (Darkened)
Dull *Gross * Lethargic * Apathetic *Spiritually inactive * Course * Slow comprehension * Insensitive * Attachment to past * Overly addicted to food * Short lived * Chronic fatigue *Lamenting * Over-sleeping * Unchangeable * Sleeping during daytime * Overly conformist * Lack of ambition for self-improvement * Laziness
For a more detailed analysis of your Dosh (body type), visit our Dosha Diet plans.
By Ayurvedic Rasayanas
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