Ayurvedic dietary supplement menses ease Ashoka rasayana made in the USA by ayurveda-herns.com, 300 gram jar. Pitta Dosha balancing.

Menses Ease - Ashoka Rasayana

SKU: 8-0325

Regular price $32.99

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Herbs for the menstruation cycle  

Supports uterine muscles, pms, hormones, endocrine system, excess heat, skin tissue and eye support. May help with extended cycle, cramps, energy and discomfort associated with cycle. Balances Pitta.

A herbal blend made with herbs and spices in a base of honey, rice syrup, and ghee. Enjoy it straight off the spoon, spread on toast, or brew it into a tea. Preserving herbs in ghee and honey supports their bioavailability and shelf life.

New formula now with coffee extract!

300g (10.7oz)

Proprietary blend of standardized extracts: (38g) Ashoka bark (8:1), Shatavari root (60%) Amalaki fruit (5:1), Barberry root (8:1), Manjishta root (10:1), Gotu Kola leaf (7:1), Fo-ti root (10:1), Gokshura fruit (8:1) Coffee extract

Powdered herbs: Hibiscus flower, Burdock root, Raspberry leaf

Other Ingredients: (262g) Honey, Brown rice syrup, Ghee (milk, salt)


Instructions: Eat directly from the jar or dissolve 1 level teaspoon per 50 lb. of body weight in a cup of warm to hot water and take 30 min. before meals on the 4th day of the menstrual cycle until bleeding stops.

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This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent and disease.

No clinical proof has been established; however Ashoka Rasayana may help support the following:

Ayurvedic Rasayanas

Balance your dosha

We use an ancient process called 'Sneha Kalpana" which is comparable to the modern process of encapsulating the active ingredients similar to liposomal supplements.

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